A funny tourist guide for your visit in Naples


Naples is a city full of history, culture and traditions. Its beauties are famous all over the world. You can find any kind of information how to spend your holidays in Naples. But what about the things that you absolutely must NOT do in Naples? Those things that no tour guide or map is talking about? Let's find out together!

5. Visit Naples but don't be on a diet


Naples is one of the most appreciated cities in the world for its cuisine. It is impossible to resist the culinary temptations of this land. But its delicacies can not be defined light, so don't think too much about calories, but try everything, you will not regret it!

How to resist a sfogliatella in the morning? To pizza, to pasta omelette and to fried cuoppo? Avoid foreign and international restaurants, choose the Neapolitan street food and local trattorias where you could taste the Neapolitan traditional dishes at really cheap prices.

4. Don't order a pizza with pineapple: the Neapolitan pizza maker will never prepare it


Neapolitan pizza doesn't need any introduction. But often it is easy to fall into the temptation of ordering too stuffed pizzas or those pizzas that for a Neapolitan would be a sacrilege like pizza with pineapple!

Opting for a classic margherita is the ideal solution to enjoy the real Neapolitan pizza. Moreover, often the most famous pizzerias have long waiting times, so it would be recommended to go there in advance or choose other pizzerias. The pizza in Naples is always excellent and it is a guarantee everywhere.

Can I offer you a coffee? Never say no!


In Naples coffee is a ritual and a real moment of socialization valid at all hours of the day. For this reason, refusing a coffee would be a great insult for a Neapolitan.

At the bar it will be served with a glass of water that must be drunk before coffee, to "clean your mouth", drinking it later it means that you didn't appreciate coffee. It is also a good idea to tip to the counter, 10 or 20 cents, as an advance thanks for a good coffee.

An ancient custom, still in use, which highlights the great heart of the Neapolitan, its cordiality and the importance of relating with others is the so-called "caffè sospeso" (suspended coffee): when you order a coffee you pay another one for who will come later and can not afford it.

2. Avoid long waiting lines: don't miss anything in the city!

Naples is an experience to live at 360 degrees, so you can't waste time with the long waiting lines. Many touristic places offer the possibility to book tickets online, this is for sure the ideal choice to save time, especially for sites like Cappella Sansevero, a place of fascinating mystery where you can admire the famous statue of the Veiled Christ and the very popular Pompeii and Ercolano Excavations, invaded by tourists all year long.

Dedicate your time, instead, to discover the true Neapolitan reality, get lost in the alleys of the historic center, admire the old shops, stopping to sunbathe on the seafront. Don't walk with the map in your hand, let the city guide you, ask to the people, they will be happy to help you, even if they don't speak your language, they will find a way to communicate and maybe even tell you some typical Neapolitan story.

1. Don’t be angry, laugh!

Definitely a must when you are on holiday, but even more if you come to Naples! The irony can be defined as a true heritage of the Neapolitan people, who faces also the worst tragedy always with a smile. So it will not be rare to exchange jokes, walking through the streets of the city, even with a simple passer-by. Don’t forget that Naples was defined by Eduardo De Filippo as an open-air theater, where, among peddlers, street artists and folk houses, you will have the opportunity to attend a real show for free!

It narrates a famous story related to the humor of this city during the Hitler's visit in 1938. When the Fuhrer passed along Caracciolo Street inside an open car and stretched out his arm in the Nazi salute, a voice from the audience broke the silence of the ceremony with a: "Sta verenn 'si for' chiove" ("He's checking if it's raining").