Naples tourism: associations for accessible tourism

Accessible tourism is the type of tourism suitable for any kind of disability, temporary or permanent. In addition, this is also the type of tourism accessible to old people and who has "special needs". Naples, city very welcoming and hospitable, has started to organize itself to make its beauties accessible to everyone.

There are many associations and organizations that are interested in tours for people with disabilities. They provide a ramp, wheelchairs, deaf-mute interpreters, and the ability to carry tactile tour, where is possible.

We remember yoy Cosy For You – Tour per Tutti. It's a tour operator that makes tours accessible to all disabled people, since 2008. The tourist can choose between 70 tour in Italian or in other languages. Therefore, Cosy For You – Tour per Tutti also supports the culture of accessibility understood as the possibility to overcome architectural and cultural obstacles. In this way, there's a safe use of urban spaces and territory by promoting the mobility, integration and autonomy of all citizens, including those with "special needs" .