A journey back in time with dinner, music, historical dresses and international performers

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The wonderful event "Eighteenth-century Neapolitan Carnival" is now in its fourth edition, a project launched four years ago by the association "Travelers and the City" in collaboration with "Visit Naples", the online guide of the city. A Grand Ball in costume to completely immerse yourself in the magical atmosphere of the eighteenth century, the event that over the years has brought together locals and tourists in exciting trips to the Naples of Goethe and Charles of Bourbon. 

The eighteenth century was in fact the century of the salons and the Carnival was considered one of the most popular festivals of the Neapolitan aristocracy. It was in fact unthinkable at the time to move to Venice, the whole South was meeting in the capital, Naples, which for the occasion became a riot of colors and sounds, alleys that were populated by foreigners and artists, great masked balls and women in sumptuous dresses.

This year's theme is "Plumed 700", the feathered eighteenth century and after the extraordinary success of the last edition, the Teatro Posillipo in via Posillipo, 66 - Naples was reconfirmed as a location. The location will be completely rebuilt with period settings, live shows, international performers and with the addition of digital installations that will take guests on a real journey through the 1700s.

Programme of the evening

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The fourth edition of the " Eighteenth-century Neapolitan Carnival" will be held on 22 February, this year will have as its theme the "feathered eighteenth century" and will be divided into two stages, the Eighteenth-century Dinner with start at 19:00 and the Eighteenth-century Grand Ball with start at 23:00.

The Eighteenth Century Dinner will be reserved exclusively for 300 guests, who can also stay for the Grand Ball. Ladies and Gentlemen will be welcomed by the butlers to store their overcoats and awaited in the hall for the welcome drink of Spumante Valdo (Valdobbiadene origin).

When the guests will be seated at their tables, the evening will continue with a series of exciting performances by national and international artists. 

In a magical and surreal festive atmosphere, guests will enjoy a selection of wines from Campania and taste the 18th century dishes designed and elaborated especially for the occasion by a team of Neapolitan chefs.

The 18th century Grand Ball will start at 11pm, when among performers, live shows, interactive shows, theatre actors and burlesque artists, guests will really feel the emotion of being 300 years back in history.

During the event, an artistic jury will evaluate the most beautiful historical dresses among the guests. Prestigious prizes are up for grabs.

The ceremony will continue in a contemporary key with the entrance of the deejays in the console and the start of the picturesque dances in the large hall.
Noblesse oblige man/woman: 18th century dress. Alternatively tuxedo and mask for the man, long evening dress and mask for the woman. The event is open to a limited number of guests and can be booked on the official website of the organization: http://bit.ly/CarnevaleSettecento2020

For clothing rental, Monica Fiorito's Atelier Artinà is the official partner of the event, a historic Neapolitan workshop specializing in 18th century women's and men's clothing, feathered masks and vintage accessories. Possibility also to rent tuxedoes. Infoline: 333.4467587