On the calendar 14 guest stars of music from Mahamood, winner of Sanremo to Anastasio by X Factor. Still top secret the guest of the first evening and a group
Napoli August 5th 2019 - This year too, RTL 102.5, the official radio station of Napoli Pizza Village, has prepared an exceptional cast of artists for the September edition of Italy's biggest happening.
On the Neapolitan promenade from 13 to 22 September, in addition to pizza, there will also be plenty of great music, thanks to 14 special guests on stage at the Napoli Pizza Village who will perform live on RTL 102.5.
Another surprise is that of the guest of the opening night and a large group whose names are still top secret, but will be revealed by the end of the month.
Among the stars of the 2019 edition there is the winner of XFactor 2018 Anastasio and that of Sanremo 2019, Mahmood, revelation of the year, but also other protagonists of the festival of Italian song last February, Boomdabash, phenomenon of the rankings of Spotify, Enrico Nigiotti, the singer-songwriter from Livorno that Gianna Nannini won the gold disc with the single "Complici", Arisa who presents herself to the public with her new look and Achille Lauro, who divides fans with her controversial style considered the pioneer of the samba trap.

Bianca Atzei returns to the stage of Napoli Pizza Village a year later, presenting her new song "La mia bocca", which evokes the sounds of the '60s and it also returns Malgioglio, king of the summer hits.
The Neapolitan singer-songwriter Edoardo Bennato, returns to play in Naples after last year's celebration of the 40th anniversary of the album "Burattino senza Fili" and returns to Naples Pizza Village, where in 2014 he came to sign the UNESCO petition on the Pizza World Heritage Site.
Baby K, the rapper of "Playa" and Dolcenera, the singer testimonial of the project of GreenPeace "Plastic Radar", complete the calendar, whose dates of participation will be announced in early September.
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