Events and things to do in August in Naples


The fateful question "what do you do in Mid-August" is a must, so much so that it competes with "what do you do on New Year's Eve". Mid-August has always been linked to trips out of town, to dives in the sea, to water balloons but also relaxation, art and culture. August 15 has been associated with holidays since the times of the ancient Romans when the whole month of August was a holiday month and on the 15th the feriae Augusti fell, in which the emperor was celebrated among banquets, floats and shows.

This year, during the weekend of August 15, also Naples dresses up with events and places to visit to enjoy Ferragosto in the shadow of Vesuvius.

Let's find out together what are the attractions for the weekend of August 15th.

Go to the beach on August 15th in Naples

The trip out of town and in particular to the sea is one of the oldest and most famous traditions of the August 15th weekend. Naples is often populated by tourists who want to spend their weekend by the sea both in the city and especially outside the centre. Among the beaches in the city, I cannot help but mention the Posillipo hill and its pearls. The gaiola, bagno Elena, the green rocks, the beach of Marechiaro and the beach of Riva Fiorita where great attractions of Neapolitan history are often combined, such as Palazzo Donn'Anna or the Pausilypon, with the crystalline Neapolitan water. A stone's throw from Naples, on the other hand, the most popular beaches are the Schiacchetiello in Bacoli, the beach of Castello di Baia and the beaches of Miseno and Miliscola.

What are the most beautiful places to visit outside the city? Among the most popular destinations, there is undoubtedly the Sorrento peninsula which, starting from Castellammare and Vico Equense, takes you to experience the views, colours and beauty of Sorrento, Positano, Ravello, Maiori and Minori up to the pearl of the coast. , Amalfi.

Continuing south, we enter Cilento, one of the most beautiful areas of Campania which is famous throughout the world for the beauty of its beaches, from those of Palinuro to those of Marina Camerota.

Cultural events in mid-August in Naples

In mid-August there are many cultural events, organized in Naples, to spend the day in the name of art, stories and theatre. Among the initiatives proposed by the city of Naples, there are cultural walks, museums, concerts, theatrical events and much more.

The most suitable event for lovers of shows and music is Restate a Napoli. A series of theatrical performances and free concerts in Piazza del Plebiscito with local and national artists, from Enzo Avitabile to Giovanni Allevi, who will fill the summer nights with joy and sounds.

The exhibition Restate a Napoli is part of an even bigger event that includes museum centres and nature walks throughout Campania, such as the walk on the slopes of Vesuvius on the night of August 15th or the visit to the excavations of Pompeii. Also, there will be several museums open for free such as the Madre, contemporary art museum, or Palazzo Zevallos, for fans of Caravaggio.

Among other events, there are festivals and kermesse of all kinds in every corner of the region from Sannio up to the Amalfi Coast.

Keeping the right precautions in terms of prevention, there are many attractions and events that Naples offers you during the week and, above all, in the weekend of August, so don't lose any more time and come to Naples to enjoy the beauty and peace of August.