Naples is a city of millenarian history: the first archaeological finds date back to the Neolithicbut its foundation is attributed to Cumaneans, who were looking for a strategic position in the Gulf in 800 AD century, Naples has always been the protagonist of history with sieges, conquests, revolutions and changes of power. A large number of different peoples have come to this city, molding it with their culture and giving it its renowned uniqueness. Here are 5 famous Neapolitan places of different ages.

1 – Mount Echia

Mount Echia is a promontory that is only a few steps from Castel dell’Ovo. There are several caves inside, inhabited since prehistoric times, used in the Greek period as a place of mithraic worship and finally obstructed in 1,500 by Viceroy Pedro de Toledo for orgiastic rituals that stirred up the sensation.

2 –  Castel dell’Ovo (Egg Castle)

The island of Megaride, the venue of the castle, has a rich history: right there in 800 BC Cumaneans founded Parthenope. In the first century BC Lucius Licinio Lucullo, a Roman militant, builded his fantastic home, with a large library and gardens with peach trees imported from Persia. Halfway 400 AC Remolo Augusto, the last emperor of Rome, was hosted on the island. In the nineteenth century it was destroyed to prevent Saracens from taking control of it and invading the city but in the following centuries it was rebuilt and consistently improved.

3 – Federico II University

It is one of the oldest State universities in the world, founded in the 11th century by the will of Frederick II of Swabia, Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. Initially, the subjects that were taught were law, medicine and liberal arts, but in the sixteenth century disciplines such as astronomy and economics were implemented. It was also the first Italian university to set up a zoological course.

4 – Maschio Angioino castle

Built in the 13th century by the will of Charles I of Anjou. For many centuries it was a royal residence and was the scene of one of Naples’ most famous events: the baronial conspiracy. In 1486 King Ferdinand I gathered in the throne room all the nobles who drifted against him, believing them to take part in a marriage. On arrival, however, the nobles were arrested and sentenced to death. Since then, the throne room has been also called “Hall of Barons”.

5 – The Spanish Quarters

The most famous district of Naples was built in the 16th century during the Spanish occupation. Initially, this place was used to host foreign soldiers, who had to be vigilant so that the population did not rise up the new authority. Soon, however, the quarters became a place full with crime and, above all, prostitution. At present the Spanish quarters, with their shops and narrow lanes, are the symbol of Naples.