Pio Monte della Misericordia is a charitable and charitable institution with more than four hundred years of history. It still carries on the same mission as when it was founded, namely to help the needy. At the same time, however, it is also one of the most interesting museums in Naples.

It is a place full of charm, where the link with the past is still very much felt but where, at the same time, one looks to the future, also by investing in young people. In the various rooms of which the complex is composed, it is possible to admire various expressions of Neapolitan art, particularly from the 17th century.

The Pio Monte della Misericordia art

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In addition to an important archive and a library containing more than 17,000 volumes, the Pio Monte della Misericordia has a rich picture gallery located on the first floor at the top of a beautiful monumental staircase. Collected here are works by the greatest masters of the 17th-century Neapolitan school, including Ribera, Luca Giordano, Mattia Preti and Fracanzano. Strolling through the rooms, which today, as in the 17th century, periodically host meetings of the institution's 'Governors', one can also admire splendid original 17th-century wooden furnishings. 
There is also a recently inaugurated contemporary art section, where various artists from Naples and elsewhere have interpreted the theme of mercy in their own way. Today, this section contains forty works by many important artists of the contemporary scene. These include the likes of Kounellis, Jodice, Kosuth and Paladino.

The Caravaggio masterpiece in Pio Monte della Misericordia

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One of the reasons why the Pio Monte della Misericordia is so popular is undoubtedly its splendid chapel. Inside this little Baroque jewel are works by artists such as Luca Giordano and Battistello Caracciolo. However, it is Caravaggio's celebrated painting present that attracts the most interest: the Seven Works of Mercy. A work from 1606, the artist painted it during his first stay in Naples. It is placed in a privileged position above the high altar and is one of three Caravaggio paintings in the city. It is a grandiose work in terms of its size. It is also one of the most important testimonies to the audacity of Caravaggio's genius, who here more than anywhere else completely revolutionised classical iconography.

Pio Monte della Misericordia: where it's located and how to reach it

The monumental complex is in Via dei Tribunali 253, near the Duomo. It is very easy to reach as it's just 200 meters from the Piazza Cavour metro station. It's easy to have fun discovering the special corners of this neighborhood, one of the most ancient of Naples. 

The Pio Monte della Misericordia is certainly a cultural attraction not to be missed. We are talking about one of the hidden gems of Neapolitan art. Visiting it has never been easier thanks to the Naples Pass. This is a really useful tool thanks to which you can access numerous advantageous discounts for museum sites and many other opportunities not to be missed.