Futuro Remoto events continued at Città della Scienza.
Even if the official closing is on 3rd December, all the main activities of Futuro Remoto will end in 28th November. Città della Scienza will host only for a few more days the most important scientific event, then it will close and will come back next year with another main theme and other shows.
Institutions' statements on the presentation of Futuro Remoto
There has been the full house in the opening event of the 23th November, when the most important politicians of Naples and of Campania took action. First of all, we have to underscore the intervention of Minister of University and Research, Maria Cristina Messa. Moreover, maybe the most important words were the ones of Vincenzo De Luca, the President of the Region Campania.
In effect, the Governor has talked about the importance of vaccine and Science to face the COVID-19. Then, he lingered about "Transitions", that is the main theme of this year festival. De Luca has highlighted what the technological transformation has changed, because now humans can maneuver the means to ensure the survival and they are capable to dominate the digital culture and what affects environment and production. One of these consequences is the entrance in working environment of robots.
We cant' miss the intervention of the new Naples Mayor, Gaetano Manfredi, and of delegates of Naples Universities; then we can see the partecipation of the Suor Orsola Benincasa, the Federico II, the Parthenope, the Vanvitelli, the Orientale but even the University of Salerno.
The events in presence of Futuro Remoto festival
27th and 28th November see the end of the fascinating and amazing events in presence of Futuro Remoto, that lasted a few days and now are going to end. The deadline is tomorrow, the 28th November at 17 o'clock. Then, in the last days of the festival there are just activities remotely. Maybe the most important event in presence is "Transi.TIAMO.Scienza_Resti"., that's a symbol of the theme of Transitions. It's a photo exhibition on the object before it begins rest, so before it's not functional anymore. Therefore, glass it's fundamental because it loses beauty over time.
Then, we have "Italy: the art of Science", curated by Città della Scienza for the Italian ambassay in Mexico. We're talking about stories of science women and men of the past and of the modern age that rappresent the italian vision of culture. There are biographies of multifaceted people, free from dogmatisms and open to innovations, that have connected different parts of knowledge.
35 years of Futuro Remoto: a celebration of science outreach
The "35 years of Futuro Remoto", the event organized to celebrate the history of the festival, tha main event of popular science in Naples. The Foundation Idis and Città della Scienza retrace the great history of the manifestation with an exhibition that underscores the issues addressed, the main labs, the activities and all the main guests.
At last, we remind "EXTREME TOUR, THE INVISIBLE WORLD OF EXTREMOPHILES", that's an exhibition that researches a new model of planning and production of a scientific exposition that uses instruments as 3D printing, augmented reality system and videomapping. The goals is to analyse the extremophiles world, who are microrganisms that live in impossible environmental conditions for human beings.
How to partecipate to the festival Futuro Remoto 2021
The access to the Science Village
Futuro Remoto was free. It is ideal to contact
Città della Scienza directly for reservations for every events, the phone number can be found on their website. We remind that is required the
Green Pass to enter for who is older than 12 years old. Città della Scienza is on Via Coroglio 57/104, 80124 Naples (NA).
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