During the last 3rd December ended a such important week for Città della Scienza. In effect, the festival Futuro Remoto came to an end. Moreover, the Settimana-Italia Cina della Scienza, Tecnologia e Innovazione ended too. 

The cooperation Italy-China: a symbol of Città della Scienza

We start talking about the connection Italy-China that goes straight on since 2010, an event that this year is so close to Futuro Remoto. The last one has had the Transitions as main theme, and between the two countries there's a strong collaboration on this argument that has involved almost 50 scientists and more that 300.000 spectators from East.

This week has ended with three new agreement of scientific cooperation between the parts involved, organizing 44 new meeting. Moreover, they have renovated the will to go on together with the fight against global problems. The main theme is certainly the one of the environment, and the experts support an approach of collaboration between the many researchers for the benefits of the citizens, despite the geopolitical borders.

The collaboration Italy-China is in line with the ideals of Città della Scienza, that has always wanted to optimize the scientific disclosure through the cooperation in technological and cultural settings. During the last years the parts have arrived to 90 agreements in many sectors with the partecipation of almost 10.000 delegates to the events, 100 joint projects and the exploitation of national research and innovation systems.

The success of Futuro Remoto

The expectations has not been betrayed. Despite the pandemic, Futuro Remoto has been a great success with 45.000 spectators for this 35th edition. The event was so intense, with days full of meetings, debates, science show and interesting exhibitions. Everything was over the theme of Transitions in all the forms, a point of discussion such current.

The president of Città della Scienza, Riccardo Villari, during last days talked a lot about the end of the manifestation. He's very satisfied because of the results of Futuro Remoto. In effect, he said: "The themes of scientific disclosure and the internation cooperation over the research are looking toward the right direction, meeting the requirement of citizens". However, it's not over, in Città della Scienza there's always time and place for progress.

The last events of Futuro Remoto

As we have heralded before, it's not over for the scientific disclosure in Città della Scienza. Indeed, until the next January there are 4 exhibition in presence active over the theme of the Transitions. We start presenting "Lo Spazio nel Tempo_Le Mappe Celesti dalla carta al bit", that rebuilds the evolution of the concept of sky map and astro-cartography.

Later, we have "I colori della prosperità", an exhibition over the fruits of new and old world, that is presented among other by the University "Federico II" and the Suor Orsola Benincasa. It's a journey into the past through the botanical biodiversity observable in vegetable festoons projected by Raffaello and painted by Giovanni da Udine. Another interesting event is "HEMP TRANSITION CANAPA", that represents the many qualities and opportunities of using the species of industrial Cannabis.

At the end, we have "ITALIA: L'ARTE DELLA SCIENZA", an expositive path made by the tails of science women and men from the past and from the present, cured among other by Città della Scienza.

The show of Futuro Remoto is not over yet, ready to surprise the public and the fans for another month with four unmissable exhibitions. Regarding the festival, the appointment is fixed to next year with so many news but always with the science as first.