Naples, a sensory experience: from food to music

Among its beauties and contradictions, common to any italian city, Naples is one of the deepest and the most impacting cities that takes over and inebriate ourselves. Naples can be experienced through all our senses. Sounds, colors, fragrances and tastes mob us as soon as we set foot in the streets of Naples.

From the scent of the sea that sings its hymn to the city crashing on the rocks of the coast, beating on that smooth but porous to the touch rock that the whole city is made, they push us to penetrate its streets, its squares, among the its alleys. The sea breeze carries us through these places, the heat of the volcano flows under our feet, while popular tradition guides us to choose between a pizza and a babà.

Naples is a sensory experience for everyone, from children to the elderly, everyone can enjoy it and must enjoy it in every perception.

And what are you waiting for? See what you're missing in this video.