Naples Pizza Village: all ready for the event

Napoli Pizza Village arrives on the waterfront of the city of Naples, from 1st to 10th of June there will be 50 pizza masters ready every day to make happy the visitors of the event, the visitors are coming from Naples, from other cities of Italy, Europe and of the world. All ready in the ovens but also on the stage.
They are now official the program and the lineup of the artists who will perform during the evenings of the event, we tell it below.

1st June Fabrizio Moro the guest-star: immediately after Neapolitan song, trap and comedy

The opening night of the event will be on the 1st of June, the first to go on stage will be Fabrizio Moro. A very important name on the first evening: the singer won the last edition of the Sanremo Festival together with Ermal Meta.
Soon after there will be the voice of Ida Rendano to continue the evening, the singer will present "Neapolitan love classic", a tribute to Neapolitan songs that speaks  of love. Another kind of music, Lucariello will also be present, rapper known in the city of Naples, he will present a trap version of '' Terra mia '' by Pino Daniele.
Maryam Tancredi, the winner of'' The voice of Italy '', will be present  with her first performance in the place of her origins . For the Napoli fans there will also be the presence of Daniele Decibel Bellini, the famous speaker of the San Paolo stadium, he will sing his song "Forza Napoli", he will sing with Andrea Sannino and Bless. 
A lot of music but also lots of laughter, will be present Gennaro Scarpato, known comedian of Colorado and Made in South who will present his book "Tutte Uguali".

2nd June the guest will be Ultimo: then a web-star, #CuoreDiNapoli, disco-music and a new band

On the 2nd of June: Ultimo, the winner of the Sanremo Festival for the young category will be on stage. It will be accompanied by the comedy of Diego Laurenti, called Iutubber, a well-known Neapolitan web-star, good both to create viral video-reactions and funny musical parodies.

Returning to music, there will also be I Desideri, they are young Neapolitan artists who have already achieved success. Together with them there will also be the association #CuoreDiNapoli, it will be their first appearance in public where they will show how you can build a sense of belonging very strong to their territory.

There will be a very promising band called 29 & 30, to follow a musical journey with the artist Anna Capasso that will make us relive the myth of the 80s.

June 3rd Noemi will open the evening: after Gigi Finizio, football, South American music and food

On the 3rd of June there will sing Noemi with her beautiful voice, the singer will open the third evening, an artist well known in the world of Italian music. Following, a Neapolitan voice, that of Gigi Finizio will sing his famous songs.

A sports association will be present: Afro Napoli United. An association with a precise mission:  fight racism with sport. Aftert this serious theme there will also be many laughs with the Ultimo Stadio, many comic gags about the game of football.

Later the Guaijra Project, a band at their first performance in pubblic, with a review of the Neapolitan song in South American salsa. From music to food with Daniele Mr Panuozzo, he will present his ristopanuozzo, also here a reinterpretation of the panuozzo (a particular type of bread) of Gragnano in a Neapolitan key.

4th June, the music of Dear Jack, Bianca Atzei, Andrea Sannino: to follow the comedy and Pulcinella

At the opening of the fourth evening will be present Dear Jack and Bianca Atzei, well known voices of Italian music. Following Andrea Sannino from the new voices of Naples is among the best known.
To accompany the evening there will be the gag of Peppe Iodice and the music of Luigi Libra with his musical album dedicated to the vitality of Campania and the city of Naples.
The author Angelo Iannelli, official interpreter of the Pulcinella mask, also will be present.

June 5th, the voices of Mario Biondi and Nesli: followed by emerging artists and popular culture

On the 5th of June in the evening will sing two very special voices: from the jazz of Mario Biondi to the pop-punk of Nesli. Following the comedy of Rosalia Porcaro.
In the evening finale, the music returns with Ivan Granatino, an artist with very varied kind of Neapolitan music. Immediately after two other Neapolitan musical revelations will perform: the Ebanesis, two woman very famous online with their covers and Antonio Marino from 'The voice of Italy' and 'X Factor'. There will also be the association ''Sii turista della tua città '' to tell how wonderful it is to be Neapolitan. To close a performance of Tammorra with I Vico.

June 6th with Le Vibrazioni: to follow short films, mandolin, neapolitan power and art

In this evening Le Vibrazioni will perform on stage with their songs, followed by the well-known Neapolitan actress Cristina Donadio (Scianel in Gomorra - The series).
Next we  will return to music with the Neapolitan Mandolin Academy under the direction of Maestro Mario Squillante, immediately after the neapolitan power with TheRivati. To close the evening, before Marco Ferrigno's art exhibition, there will be: rapper Bless and DaVinci (Francesco, also a singer like his father Sal).

June 7: the evening of the tribute to Pino Daniele

The evening of 7th June is full of neapolitanity, it will be the evening of the tribute to Pino Daniele presented by Sandra Milo. Live images from the great concert of the San Paolo. But before, ten very young boys will perform, directed by maestro Vincenzo Sorrentino and directed by the soprano of the San Carlo Theater, Miriam Artiaco, they will sing songs of Pino Daniele.

June 8th Annalisa will be the star: after the comedy and the strength of women in music

On the 8th of June be the turn of Annalisa, one of the best voices trough young Italian singers. In this evening will be present also: the musician Ciccio Merolla and the well-known comedian Pasquale Palma.

The strength of women in music with Flo and the Martucci sisters called the sisters of the swing.

June 9, the surprise guest: after Brazilian rhythm and the photo of Maradona's life

On the 9th of June will be the surprise guest night, the most awaited for this edition of the Napoli PIzza Village. Immediately afterwards another rapper will perform: Enzo Dong.

Following a funny neomelodic singer like Enzo Savastano, before the closing two new artists will perform Geolier & Nicola Siciliano, authors of "P Secondigliano".
The rhythm of Brazil with Bateria Pegaonda, the photos of Sergio Siano that will tell the life of Maradona with the journalist Anna Trieste.

10 June closing the event Lo Stato Sociale with Maria Nazionale, Lercio and the popular song

On the last evening will perform Lo Stato Sociale, the band that came at second place at the Sanremo Festival this year. Following the beautiful voice of the Neapolitan song: Maria Nazionale.

Other Neapolitan female voices with the four artists of SesèMamà, before turn off the music with Stani Roggiero and I Bottari de la Cantica Popolare. Finally a lot of laughter with the satire of Lercio, ready to analyze the current Italian society inventing goliardic news.

The program can have variations with additions of names and many surprises for the Pizza Village audience.

NEWS: Thanks to the new online booking method, you can already order a menu and skip the line at the ticket offices on the days of the event. Find out how by clicking here.