The beauty of Campania: visit the Cilento

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Cilento, an area of ​​undoubted beauty and rich in natural landscapes, but also of history, which often merge with the myth, finding a foothold to nurse and confirm what is enchanting in this land.

An almost uncontaminated land, where man has entered, respecting nature, and guaranteeing its innate leadership. In these lands some of the most wonderful ancient myths  are born, from the myth of Palinuro, mythical helmsman of Aeneas, who died in these waters according to legend, up to one of the most renowned writers of our time Ernest Hemingway, who stayed for some time right in Cilento, near Acciaroli, and where popular tradition has it that it drew inspiration for its great novel "The Old Man and the Sea". 

There are dozens of places you can visit, here in Cilento. They range from ancient history with the Archaeological Park of Paestum and Velia, to the countless caves and inlets that overlook the Gulf of Salerno, from Capo Palinuro to Punta Licosa, passing through the Cilento National Park and the beauties of the Infreschi Bay. 

But let's find out which are the most important beauties of Cilento that you absolutely can't miss.

History and archeology in Cilento: Paestum and Velia

The archaeological area of ​​Paestum is one of the most beautiful and important archaeological parks in the world and it is recognized by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. The city was founded in the early sixth century. BC with the name of Poseidonia, the city of Neptune. Inside there are three large areas: two sacred and one public in the center.

Velia, or even Elea, is a Greek city first, then Roman, very important for the development of this territory and not only. Very well known is the Eleatic school of philosophy, originating precisely from this land, of which there remains much of the city walls and different areas of public and religious life.

Marine protected areas in Cilento: Capo Palinuro and Punta Licosa

Two places so similar not only in their conformation but also in the mythology behind their birth. Capo Palinuro owes its name to Palinuro, helmsman of Aeneas, who fell into the sea and was killed by the inhabitants once on land, but what makes this place special is its conformation. It looks like 5 rocky points overlooking the sea that define caves of inestimable beauty.

Punta Licosa, instead, owes its mythological origins to a mermaid, Licosa, who for a repudiated love, decided to take her life right here, giving, according to the myth, one of the most beautiful protected marine areas of Campania.

Nature in Cilento: the National Park of Cilento and Vallo di Diano

The National Park of Cilento and Vallo di Diano is a place included in the UNESCO World Heritage Siteand includes a territory of about 180,000 hectares, it is a true cult of nature, in which the work of man combines perfectly with the design of nature. Composed of coastal environments, but also of mountains and plains, its immeasurable beauty is enriched thanks to the diversity of the flora and fauna found within it.

Pristine coasts where perhaps no one has ever set foot, rocky plateaus, footpaths and more, but also streams, mysterious caves, which make this an ideal place to rediscover the pleasure of being in contact with nature.

Cilento in flight: 'visiting' Cilento from the sky?

A beautiful landscape that can  be enjoyed in its entirety through one of the most popular initiatives at the moment. In fact, in Trentinara, a town in the Cilento area, a zip-line was installed, an activity that allows us to enjoy the Cilento landscape crossing it, suspended in flight. With Cilento in Volo's guys , in fact, you can go through the whole territory at 1500 m above sea level and fly over it and enjoy it from above.

A new way to see a magnificent landscape, the only way to observe certain glimpses and certain really beautiful spots.

And what are you waiting for? Run to take flight and enjoy Cilento.