Getting around Naples: public transportation and metro


Naples, cradle of Mediterranean civilization, has always been a destination for tourists who have taken it by storm all year round and which has always offered hundreds of attractions and tourist centers.

Since ancient times, up until the most recent centuries, Naples has always been the favorite place of nobles, scholars and artists of any kind who stormed the city by any means. 

Naples has always shown a vanguard on transport and on ways to move around the city, so much so that the flagship of the aforementioned avant-garde was the construction of the first section of Italian railway, the Napoli-Portici, which is still active today . 

Today, Naples boasts some of the best transports with the most beautiful routes in the world. In addition to the beautiful subway lines of the art and their cultural routes and the views of the gulf offered by sea transport, get ready to discover the wonders that road transport has to offer.

Naples and the ancient city: the historic center

Moving by road to Naples offers the possibility of easily varying your itinerary in search of the beauties that are hidden in every corner of the city.

One of the first itineraries you can't do without visiting is the Neapolitan historical center. The fulcrum of the old city and the pole of the new city that merge into a unicum that gathers the culture of decades of history and foreign dominations that are enclosed within the walls of Naples. Traveling by bus or tram throughout the historic center is a journey through years of history and different artistic styles, ranging from the noble tuff and piperno buildings of the Corso Umberto, to the neoclassical churches with the finest marbles from Piazza del Plebiscito, passing by for the most enchanting squares: piazza Municipio with the new metro signed by Alvaro Siza and the everlasting Maschio Angioino.

The excavations of Herculaneum and Pompeii in Campania

Moving from the historic center and heading towards the road that leads from Naples to the Gulf of Salerno, dozens of attractions meet. The first is the beautiful Miglio d'Oro (Golden Mile), the famous coastal road that contains several villas and buildings of the Neapolitan nobility of the nineteenth century, up to the cities of Ercolano first and Pompeii then enclosing among their streets the remains of the submerged Roman cities from the ashes of the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 BC, where it seems that time has stopped and that over two thousand years have never passed.

The sea of Naples and the Sorrento coast

At the entrance to the Gulf of Salerno you will come across one of the most beautiful and visited areas in Italy, the Sorrento peninsula with its Amalfi Coast. Here, in addition to the history and culture of all the small villages that populate the peninsula, the greatest attraction is the sea and the breathtaking landscapes that the various Sorrento, Amalfi, Positano, Ravello are able to offer to those who go to these places. Famous throughout the world, the Sorrento peninsula is a flagship for those who can travel by car from Naples, or even by motorbike, offering wonderful views from its winding streets. A tradition is to reach the coast with a wasp and enjoy the view, just as the films about Naples in the post-war years tell.

Tour on the road, transport and transfer in Naples

These are some of the cultural and traditional cornerstones that the city of Naples and its surroundings can offer along its streets, almost in a straight line, you can easily reach the beauties of the peninsula from the center of the city and vice versa.

Road transport is one of the favorites for many tourists in Naples and one of the best exponents of these transports is the Tramvia Napoli, which offers the possibility of moving to the historic center of Naples, but also from the latter to the beautiful Sorrento peninsula, passing through Ercolano, Pompei and Vesuvius. La Tramvia Napoli is one of the major companies in the Bus Rental with Driver. With a rich past that has specialized in public transport for 60 years. The service also offers you the possibility to purchase the admission ticket to the sites that allow you to reach it. 

And you? Are you a fan of road trips? Run to Naples and enjoy its beauty on the road.