
Naples has excellently faced a health emergency, also drawing ideas soon. Naples has encouraged sustainable development in every sector of the city, in particular, sustainable tourism. The pandemic has brought reflections about environmental pollution, for this reason, Naples has promoted a series of initiatives to safeguard its environmental and cultural heritage.

Sustainable tourism in Naples

In recent months, sustainable tourism has been the key to restarting after the health emergency. Naples is one of the few cities that offers the opportunity to enjoy incredible naturalistic beauties, large museum complexes and archaeological parks where it is possible to comply with anti-covid rules such as social distancing without losing the true value of the attractions.

Discover with me what are the bases of the new sustainable tourism.

Natural paths and parks of Naples

If we talk about a health emergency, the first places that are in mind are outdoors and Naples offers an endless offer of nature trails and parks, archaeological parks and reserves that allow you to enjoy natural beauty in compliance with current regulations.

Among the nature trails in the city, there are the great urban trekking routes located along with the city such as the great stairways that connect the city vertically, the promenade of the seafront, moving along the coast the path of the gods is inevitable. While among the archaeological parks it is impossible not to mention the excavations of Pompeii and Herculaneum which are also equipped with virtual tricks to enjoy the experience even in an interactive way.

Food tours and slow food in Naples

The Neapolitan culture also embodies a great predilection for culinary art and good food. So much so that on the occasion of the development of sustainable tourism, food and wine tours have been created that enhance the culture and typical Neapolitan products at the expense of that junk food offered by large multinationals.
In fact, with a view to sustainability, Naples has also dedicated itself to slow food, which promotes and disseminates culinary habits and gastronomic traditions of a specific culture and Naples with its vast food encyclopedia is at the forefront of culinary tourism, even sustainable.
Enjoy a pizza on the seafront, savour the taste of a sfogliatella at the Galleria Umberto or enjoy a baba in the alleys of the historic centre. All this is tradition and taste that every year attracts tourists and cooking enthusiasts from all over the world.

Environmentally friendly transport in Naples

A sector that could not remain outside the development of sustainable tourism is that of transport. Naples, like the other large European cities, has started a path for a circular development of the economy starting from transport with the reduction of transport by car, the increase of limited traffic areas and the development of the so-called green transport.

After the creation of a network of cycle paths that overlap the urban road fabric, Naples has begun to push towards this new type of transport, allowing you to experience the city aboard a scooter or a bicycle, experiencing the emotions of all different from what you can try walking in the city.

One of the pioneering companies in green transport and sustainable tourism sector is Napol'E-bike, which was born from the idea of ​​itinerant tourism, to enjoy the city and protect the environment at the same time. It is one of the first tour operators specialized in bike holidays in Naples, represented by a staff who loves and wants to make Naples known. The best way to visit the city of Naples thus becomes the bike tour by electric bicycle or electric scooter with a guide,
 that will make you enjoy the wonderful monuments of the Neapolitan capital between the beauties of the historic centre and those of the gulf.

Naples offers an endless expanse of pleasures that you can enjoy even more smartly and sustainably. So what are you waiting for? Run to Naples and come and enjoy the beauty of the city in a safe and sustainable way.