
The Sorrento peninsula is located in a geographically very fortunate place: it is located between the Gulf of Naples and the Gulf of Salerno. The stretch of peninsula overlooking the Gulf of Salerno is properly the Amalfi coast, while the side of the peninsula overlooking the Gulf of Naples is the Sorrento coast.

The Sorrento peninsula, history and characteristic places.


Sorrento is the most important city on the Sorrento coast. The foundation of the city is very ancient, it is made to go back to the time of the ancient Greeks, but the archaeological finds have shown that in reality there were settlements even before the foundation of Sorrento, settlements wanted and created by the Etruscans. The Sorrento peninsula is divided between the Sorrento and Amalfi coasts: Sant'Agata dei due golfi is the municipality located to the east that divides the two coasts. On the tip of the coast there is the protected area of the bay of Ieranto and the natural marine area of Punta Campanella, two real land paradises to visit and not to be missed.

The Sorrento peninsula, a place to visit absolutely


The Sorrento peninsula is not only a wonderful and historically rich geographical place, it also has its own culinary traditions. One of the typical products of the place is for example the limoncello, a particular liqueur now famous throughout the world that is produced with lemons from Capri and Sorrento. Not to be forgotten is the famous mozzarella di bufala campana DOP, another product exported all over the world, or even the famous provolone del monaco DOP, a typical product of the municipality of Agerola. In short, the Sorrento peninsula is a place not to be missed, and to visit it in the best possible way, to create your own personalized path that can meet your needs and fulfill your desires, there can be nothing better than contacting Aptours. With reasonable prices, and with very prepared guided tours you can organize your own personalized itinerary, or request a route in group. Land and marine excursions on, in group or private are waiting for you, Aptours is ready to let you discover the beauty of the Sorrento peninsula, a place that has always fascinated the whole world, do not waste time, visit now the site and discover the cheapest offer, ApTours is ready to take you by the hand to discover this paradise!