Hunted places with spirits and witchcraft, damp catacombs and deconsecrated necropolises. The most hidden secrets of the city of Naples are just waiting to be revealed in the most frightening night of the year. Let's find out what to do on Halloween in Naples for an unforgettable, thrilling day.

The most mysterious and enigmatic festival of the year is coming. If you are tired of seeing yet another horror movie and you no longer have the age to knock on doors asking: "Trick or treat?" here are the most hidden places to learn about the dark side of the city of Naples.

A wicked cemetery

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40,000 human remains, including skeletal heads ("capuzzelle") and bones, are housed in one of the most fascinating and frightening Italian cemeteries: the Fontanelle Cemetery. A place of mysticism and culture in which the vicissitudes of countless victims of the plague and cholera have merged with years of stories and superstition giving life to a characteristic setting, emblem of Neapolitan folklore. All that remains is to wait for the opening of the complex, since it is still closed. If everything goes according to plan, by the beginning of 2024 we will have the Fontanelle Cemetery back. One hopes for a Christmas miracle with the work finished early, but better to remain cautious.

The tour of cruelty at Museum of Torture

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A journey that takes you back to the time of the Inquisition and the tortures that were then inflicted every day. This consists of a guided tour inside the Torture Museum of Naples, the most evocative display of torture instruments in Southern Italy. An itinerary to the knowledge of the most varied memorabilia of martyrdom which makes us reflect on how much the abominations of history can be more gruesome than a horror film. In short, the perfect setting, in keeping with the dark halo of Halloween. Around 60 relics are on display in the museum, rare pieces dating back to the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries, as well as 20th century reconstructions. A macabre exhibition not to be missed and included in the Naples Pass benefits.

The Dracula's grave in Santa Maria la Nova

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In terms of Halloween, we cannot fail to mention the most famous vampire in history, myth and protagonist of countless tales. We are obviously talking about Count Dracula, whose personality is surprisingly linked to the city of Naples. In fact, according to some theories, his remains can be found in the Monumental Complex of Santa Maria la Nova. This is an imposing artistic site in the centre of Naples of 14th-century origin. According to some popular reconstructions, Dracula was buried in Santa Maria la Nova. Tales say that the Count died in the war, but in this case we report a different ending: captured by the Turks, they released him to his daughter Maria, a resident of Naples, following a ransom; the Count's death then took place in the Campania capital. The Monumental Comples of Santa Maria la Nova is one of the attractions of the Naples Pass.

Ghosts and spirits in Posillipo

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For Halloween night in Naples, haunted places, where curses and spells survive over time, could not be absent from the roll call. The city is full of these mysterious caverns where unexplainable phenomena can occur, above all along the hill district of Posillipo. Above all, we highlight the Palace of the Spirits, also known as Villarosa. This is a Roman villa that stands in the Pausilypon archaeological park. Here, mysterious nocturnal rituals related to the cult of the goddess Isis are said to have taken place. In fact, the building is also known as 'Domus praestigiarum', or 'House of Witchcraft', a definition given by the fishermen of Marechiaro. The latter, in previous centuries, were convinced of sighting sinister figures near the villa.